2015 Junior Varsity Soccer

This was a rebuilding year for junior varsity as we welcomed many new players to the team, a number of whom were new to the sport. Despite the challenges, the group became a solid unit by the end of the year. We started building from the back, focusing on making our opponents earn (almost) every goal they scored. By mid-season, we were adept at the possession game, often holding the ball for the majority of matches even when we came up short on the scoreboard.

Unfortunately, the goal-scoring aspect of the game eluded us through the end of the season, and consequently, looking at our results does not adequately represent the progress this team made over the course of the season. This was a team that played like a team. We had no single player who stood out, but rather, the coordinated efforts of each boy made this season a valuable experience.

--Coaches Jeff Lisciandrello and Lauck Blake

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