2019 Junior Varsity Basketball

Over the course of the season, the JV basketball team showed tremendous growth in both skill and teamwork. Despite some initial tough losses, the boys finished with four commendable wins. The team defeated Lycée Français twice and also scored wins against Churchill and Staten Island Academy.

            One particular highlight of the season came during our final game when co-captain Alex Raftopolous (Form IV) led the team to victory with an impressive 37 points. Even more notable was that he sank 11 3-point shots to achieve that feat!

            Although they recorded a losing season, the JV squad consistently displayed sportsmanship, hard work and a love of the game. As coaches, we were extremely proud of the team’s positive attitude and effort, even when facing challenging opponents. With many young players, the JV team looks forward to future successful seasons.

–Coaches Balamou and Duchak

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