2017 Junior Varsity Basketball

The team took another step in the right direction this past season by clinching its first playoff berth ever and setting a school record of 14 wins. It was a fun and competitive season!

Browning started strong, winning its first eight league games and eventually finishing in second place overall in NYCAL. Other high points of the season included a road win at Trinity from the Ivy League as well as sweeping Trevor Day during the regular season. Unfortunately, struggles and injuries besieged the team toward the end of the season. We were unable to reach our full potential, losing to Trevor Day in a tightly contested playoff game.

We had a large roster that featured several talented freshmen who have bright futures ahead of them. The young men on the team made coaching extremely easy with their discipline and commitment to the sport. Our returning 10th and 11th grade players also deserve much credit for displaying consistent leadership and attention to detail. View Photos.

-Coaches James Miller and Sankara Iwelu

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2017 Fencing

Participating in fencing accounts for a particularly long day, as every school fences every other school in a full match in one day. The tournament is a season in itself – a true and steady test of a team!

Browning fencers have shined in the past: a team of seniors with only three years of training came within a touch of unseating a team of nationally ranked juniors. They knew it could be done; they lost any idea of limit and merely did their best.

This year there have been glimmers in an up-and-down season. Raymond Diaz ’19, who only started fencing in the middle of last year, came in third in the league individual championship. Caleb Sussman ’18 buckled down and made beautiful touches. Robert Nielsen ’18, a fine epee fencer, sparkled as a saber fencer when the team needed someone to fill a gap.

There are strengths waiting to be tapped and Browning spirit in abundance! View Photos.

-Coach Joel Glucksman

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2017 Varsity Squash

The squash team, now in its second year, completed another successful season with six wins and three losses. With the exception of one decisive loss, the other two matches might have gone our way but for a few players who were out with the flu. The boys’ enthusiasm and practice have turned Browning into formidable opponents.

More importantly, each player continues to display outstanding sportsmanship. Win or lose, the boys always behave as gentlemen both on and off the court. The team continues to hone its skills during the off season and is looking forward to more exciting challenges next year. View photos.

-Coach Roland Lafontant

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2017 7/8 Grade Basketball Red

The team had a highly successful season, finishing the year in second place with a 11-4-1 record. Browning was able to defeat each team in the league, with a 17-point fourth-quarter comeback win against first-place finisher Columbia Prep. Adding to their accomplishments, the team narrowly defeated Calhoun School on a last-second basket. The boys also defeated Trevor Day in overtime.

Throughout the season, the boys were committed to getting better. They worked together during each practice and arrived with focus and a strong desire to improve their game. Browning had a strong core of players who played unselfish team-first basketball. Defensively, Browning was known as the biggest, most physical team in the league, led by Hercules Sotos ’21 and Dylan Steck ’21. Offensively, guard William Bousquette ’21 led the team in scoring with 126 points in 15 games played. Standout Dylan Steck finished second on the team in scoring with 120 points in 16 games played. View photos.

-Coaches Lauck Blake and Gerald Colds  

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2017 7/8 Grade Basketball Black

Hall of Fame football coach Bill Parcells once said, “You are what you are.” No better words to describe this year’s team. Even though this season was tough, every player showed the promise of improving from where they started.

With the understanding that activity is not the same as effort, the boys practiced their fundamentals every day, creating a chain of consistency and the application of basketball knowledge necessary for them to compete when they are keeping score. The bounce-back for next season is simply said in a quote by Hall of Fame basketball Coach Bobby Knight, “The will to succeed is important, but what’s more important is the will to prepare.” View photos.

-Coach Lance Williams

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2017 6th Grade Basketball

If success is based on improvement, then this year’s sixth grade team was one of the most successful in a long time. From the beginning, the boys worked really hard on their individual skills while learning the various plays from their play sheets. Unfortunately, wins were hard to come by. The boys never gave up, though, and always put their best effort into every single game. 

Although the mini Panthers lost their last two games by three points and one point respectively, the coaches had no complaints about their total commitment and effort. We look forward to watching this team grow and further improve next year in pursuit of glory in Form I. View photos.

-Coaches David Watson and Lance Williams

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2017 5th Grade Basketball

The Panthers enjoyed a productive season! An extension of intramural basketball, this program offers the boys the chance to put on a Browning uniform for the first time and compete against other schools. The boys practiced hard and competed with class. We enjoyed a couple of wins, but more importantly, we achieved the true goal of the program: to teach the boys the fundamental skills and strategy of the game, as well as how to be a productive member of a team.

It was fun to watch the boys improve throughout the season. Toward the end, the boys really began to gel and were playing some of their best basketball. I am excited to see what this group of boys can do next year with Coach Watson. The future of Browning basketball looks bright! View photos.

-Coaches Matthew Brown and Lance Williams

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2016 Varsity Soccer

This season started with great promise after a very successful soccer camp in the Berkshires in August. Soon after the term began, the varsity team was in the thick of things with a win and a tie in the first two games. Unfortunately, injuries to key players stopped our initial progress, but the boys rebounded well and had two wins, two ties and a close loss in their last five games. 

Throughout the season the boys have worked tremendously hard and showed some wonderful soccer in reaching the playoffs. I hope that those players who return next year will benefit from this experience.

--Coach David Watson and Assistant Coach Nate Monteverde

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2016 Junior Varsity Soccer

The junior varsity soccer team, captained by Philip Raftopolous (Form V), Max Beem (Form III) and Ryan Eagan (Form III), played a 10-game season and finished the year with a 3-7 record. The boys were fifth in the standings and almost made the playoffs; this was a step up from a 1-9 record the previous year.

Overall, there was a great turn-out for JV soccer, with 30 players on the roster. The boys each had varying levels of experience, with some having played for outside travel teams and others trying soccer for the first time. By the end of the season, each player had built his fitness level and enhanced his teamwork and individual skills. The boys worked hard against very skilled opponents and played in a lot of evenly matched contests. We were impressed by the boys’ commitment and dedication toward practice, as well as their work ethic during games. We look forward to continuing to build a strong team.

--Coaches Lauck Blake and Mike Cohn

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2016 Varsity and Middle School Cross Country


I was very pleased with the great spirit demonstrated by the boys starting with the preseason camp in Lenox, Mass. Over the season, the team showed serious improvement.  A highlight of the year was the team spirit. Most of the boys learned that to assure top individual and team performances, they must start training during summer vacation and follow a weekly training calendar.

It is always a pleasure to meet with the boys in Central Park, to see them improving and, more importantly, to know each of them better. I am very confident that with additional Middle and Upper School boys, this young and promising team will continue growing in the future and achieve the results they are capable of.

--Coach Dominique Bernard


The 2016 season boasted some of the team’s best times yet, with the team growing to nine runners from Forms I and II. Eric Sigg and Christian Kim were able and spirited co-captains whose dedication, reliability and enthusiasm benefitted not only their own team but also the varsity runners.

Form II’s aptly named Carter Rocket-Munk and Form I’s Andrew Naber consistently finished in the top 10 at the meets. Gavin Mitchell, John Harrison, Khai Shulman and Jonathan Stephenson each saw their speed, endurance and standing improve over the course of the season. Blake Sanford saw the most improvement in his times and carried home the Most Improved Player award. The runners are primed and ready for the Winter Running Club and spring’s track season. The older boys will make excellent additions to Coach Bernard’s varsity cross country team next year.

--Coach John Young

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2016 7th and 8th Grade Soccer

The seventh and eighth grade soccer team had a challenging season, finishing with an overall record of 4-7-1. We started the season with three wins, outscoring our opponents 21-3, but lost our next seven games – four by only one goal! Not having a full roster affected the outcome of those games especially. This is a talented team, and we hope the boys have come to understand the value in staying true to their commitments to the game. This group has the potential to be great at the Upper School level, and we are excited to see their progress in the next few years. Overall, this was a fun season, and we enjoyed coaching this group of boys. 

--Coaches Matt Brown and Gerald Protheroe

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2016 5th and 6th Grade Soccer

The fifth and sixth graders completed their season of intramural soccer at Randall’s Island with a select team representing Browning in two games against St. Bernard’s and St. David’s. The boys got a taste of real competition and the opportunity to demonstrate their rapidly developing soccer skills.

In a well-fought battle against St. Bernard’s, the game ended in a tie. Even though Browning did not fare quite as well against a stronger, faster, more polished team from St. David’s, we all feel that the future is bright for Browning soccer down the road.

--Coaches Marcia Wallace, Kristofer Pischell, Meghan McDermott, Andrew Wolf

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2016 Varsity Baseball

“It’s not how you start but how you finish!” would have been a fitting motto for our team this season. After winning the regular season last year and losing in the playoffs to a rowdy Loyola team, the boys knew from the final out last season that we had our work cut out for us if we were going to repeat without last year’s league MVP, Alec Morea ‘15, who graduated. The boys took it upon themselves to get their bodies ready to compete and their skills up to par. After two easy wins to start the season, Browning struggled to maintain our swagger and poise which made us so tough in years past.

We dropped six league contests in a row (and seven overall) headed in to the final week tied for last place in the NYCAL. This is when the boys flipped the switch, winning our final two regular season games to clinch the fourth and final playoff spot. Although we were set to face off with undefeated league champion Columbia Prep, we had completely regained our team “grit!” In the two regular season games, Columbia had beaten us 13-3 and 12-4, so it wasn’t going to be easy. The boys dismantled the Lions, 6-0, in the semi-finals, thanks to a dominant performance by freshman sensation Shazeb Dayani on the hill and supported by the whole team. This set the table for the final rematch between Loyola and Browning. Like last year, we led by four runs headed into the late innings, and also like last year, Loyola battled back to tie the game late. But unlike last year, this time the boys showed their “Panther pride” and scored in the top of the final inning to bring home the title where it belongs. This was a special group of boys and one that we have been very proud to coach and even more proud to have represent Browning! Here’s to the 2016 NYCAL Postseason Champions!

-Coaches Andrew West, Mike Cohn, Matt Brown and Lauck Blake

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2016 Varsity Tennis

Lead by co-captains Del Schunk ‘16 and Andrew Bendo ‘16, the varsity tennis team finished the season as league runner-up with a record of 6-2, and as league tournament runner-up, missing our sixth straight title by only one point. The team showed great chemistry in supporting each other, and every player had an opportunity to gain valuable match play experience.

Our starting singles players earned Browning MVP Awards for winning seven out of their eight league matches. Del earned an All League Team Player Award and the All League Team MVP Award, while George earned an All League Team Player Award.

Equally impressive, the team earned the All League Sportsmanship Award.

Del ends his Browning tennis career as the “winningest” player in the last 25 years, having not lost one of his 34 league matches (he retired from one due to leg cramps) and going undefeated in six straight League Tournaments. Interest continued to be large with over 22 boys vying for a limited number of spots during pre-Spring Break tryouts. 

-Coach Michael Klein

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2016 Varsity Track

On May 16, the boys participated with determination and great spirit in the NYCAL championships at River Banks Stadium. Given the difficult context, I simply asked our runners to enjoy the meet, have a pleasant time and concentrate their energy on our strongest areas, the three relay races. This strategy worked rather well, and the boys did satisfactorily in those three events. We placed fourth overall, and we can be very proud of the boys. The relays are really the most spectacular races, and watching them gave me chills. Yvan Maslennikov, Brandon Keno, Gubbins Connor and Jack Germano placed third in the 4 x 800. The quartet of Michael O’Connor, David Eisman, Alexander Young and Connor Harkins ran the 4 x 400 with poise and courage. The same runners did not do as well as expected in the 4 x 1000 (fourth). Captain Connor Harkins, who had been impeccable during the entire season, finished second in the 400 and the long jump. We did not have any runners qualifying for the 1600 and the 200, which prevented Browning from gaining a few more points in the general classification and maybe coming before Columbia Prep. Browning came in fourth (40) of seven schools in terms of team rankings, with 10 events scored.

 -Coach Dominique Bernard

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2016 Varsity Golf

With only one senior on the team and the majority of the players from seventh and eighth grades, it looked to be a tough season playing at the Mosholu Golf Course in the Bronx. Early on in the campaign, the boys struggled with course conditions and weather but eventually came to grips, and the scores started to lower. By the end of the season, our lowest score for nine holes was 24 strokes better than our highest score! That is some improvement!

The Golfing Panthers tied for second place in the league with a 4-4 record. Next year’s team should be able to build on their experiences from this year.

I look forward to any new talent that may come up through the ranks, keeping the golfing tradition going here at Browning.

-Coach David Watson

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2016 Varsity Basketball

The varsity basketball team had an up and down season marked by inspiring victories, outstanding team and individual efforts, and some growing pains. After reaching the LREI Tournament Championship game early in the season, the boys participated in the annual Thanksgiving Barclays game against Churchill and turned in a valiant performance.

League play wasn’t as kind to the Panthers, but the team finally hit its stride late in the season. In addition to winning four of their final eight games, the Panthers competed neck and neck with two of the top teams in the league, nearly earning a post-season bid during the final week of competition. The Panthers doubled their win total from last year, showed tremendous growth as a team, and finished the season playing their best basketball. The boys have much to proud of and are rightly optimistic about the future. We thank our Form VI players, Will Jacob ’16, Karsten Monteverde ’16 and Harris Russell ’16, for all of their hard work and leadership, and we wish them all the best in the future. View photos.

–Coaches Dan Ragsdale, Michael Cohn and Matt Formato

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2016 Junior Varsity Basketball

The season for the junior varsity Panthers was an eventful one. Through the ups and downs, the team stuck together, dealt with injuries and persevered through some dramatic games. This year’s promising freshman class was the backbone of the team for much of the season. Despite their neophyte status, several members of the freshman class grew immensely throughout the season.

The Panthers finished 9-12 overall and 4-8 in league play. For the first time in a long time, the JV squad had a chance to clinch a playoff berth but were unable to beat a talented Calhoun team to earn the spot in late January. Despite the disappointing loss, the team continued to fight and ended the season on a high note against Trinity in what may have been the highlight of the entire season.

Buoyed by the support of their rabid fans comprised not only of the student body but also many of the faculty, the JV team made a valiant comeback at home to win the game by 11 points. Emotions were at an all-time high in a positive way and, given the circumstances, the season could not have ended any better for the JV squad. The future is bright for Browning basketball on all levels, and we are looking forward to more success next year. View photos.

–Coach James Miller

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2016 Squash

The Browning varsity squash team finished its first year with an impressive record of six wins and three losses. This stat is all the more impressive because we faced much older and experienced players. Our varsity team is relatively young – the four oldest players are in Form IV and the other eight are in the younger grades. The age and size discrepancy largely contributed to our losses, which were nonetheless all close matches. Most important, everyone had fun, and we look forward to a much more competitive season next year. View photos.

–Coach Roland Lafontant

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