Form I Boys Study in Hudson Highlands

Head of Middle School Chris Dunham reports on an overnight trip taken with Form I boys on April 9: “The Form I boys, along with Mr. Davis, Mr. Klein and me, spent two days up in the Hudson Highlands. Black Rock Forest was our first stop. The boys seined for macro-invertebrates in the local streams, hiked four miles to Field of Pines, and had a fun campfire (with S’mores!). Mr. Davis and a small crew of students discovered a local cache of Black Rock Forest clay and brought back 10 pounds of it for sculpting use here at school. On Friday, the boys traveled to Storm King Art Center to see its monumental pieces. It was a terrific trip for all!"

The boys began their day on Friday with a group sculpture project inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. They broke into teams and were instructed to assemble an earth sculpture using materials they found in the forest. The teams focused on the use of the elements and principles of design to enhance their creations, which were photographed at the end of the allotted time frame.
