Panthers Finish Banner Year With More Banners!

In what had already been a successful year for the Browning Panthers, this spring the tennis team added two more championships to their already impressive accomplishments, while the track team won numerous golds, finishing third overall for boys at the NYCAL Championships.

Congratulations to all! Click the following links to view photos and recaps of Varsity BaseballVarsity TennisVarsity TrackVarsity Golf and Form I/II Baseball.

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Grade Six Tours The Marvelous Met!

On May 17, Middle School history teacher Mary Bosworth and art teacher Kate Bancroft accompanied 30 sixth grade boys to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where they viewed objects in two galleries showcasing artifacts from sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific Islands, and North, Central and South America, as well as classical art of the Greeks and Romans. Read more.

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Lower School Boys Share Knowledge at Science Exhibition

Second and third grade parents and teachers spent the first hour of their day on May 9 in the Browning cafeteria, where they recognized the efforts, creativity and imagination of the second and third graders during the Lower School Science Exhibition. The boys and their science teachers, Julia Kingsdale and Emilie Wolf, had set up an impressive array of science projects, which the students were eager to explain in exacting detail. This morning of scientific discovery and sharing of knowledge represents a culmination of experimentation and modification. Read more.

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SXSW Professional Development Trip Inspires Teachers

Thanks to the generous donation from an anonymous parent, six faculty members from the Science and Computer Science and Engineering departments attended SXSW; a conference in Austin Texas that fosters creative and professional growth, and is known as a destination for discovery. Faculty spent five days together attending sessions, workshops and keynote speakers finding and learning about inspirational ideas. At the conclusion of every day, the group met to record and summarize their experience in those sessions and discuss possible classroom projects or lessons. Learn more.

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Unveiling of Former Headmaster Clement’s Portrait

Former Headmaster Stephen M. Clement, III, who retired in 2016 after serving The Browning School for 28 years, returned with his wife Sally and family members on April 18 for the formal unveiling of his official portrait by artist Ronald Sherr. Along with faculty members, Browning Trustees and parents from the Class of 2016 (who helped underwrite the portrait) were present for this special occasion. Read more.

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2018 Alumni Reunion

On Friday, April 13, more than 160 alumni and guests returned to Browning for the annual Alumni Reunion. Alumni ranging from the Classes of 1950 to 2013 returned to Browning, along with a number of current and former faculty, for the Upper School assembly, True Grytte Society and Donor Recognition Luncheon, and the Reunion reception. Read more.

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History Department Chair Invited to Prestigious NYU Conference

Dr. Gerald Protheroe was one of 25 participants invited to attend a round table conference, The State of the European Union and the Transatlantic Alliance, at the Center for Global Affairs, the School of Professional Studies, New York University, on April 6. During this in-depth exercise, 25 experts engaged in discussion on several major themes relating to the relationship between the European Union and the United States. Read More.

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Art Show 2018

Artwork created by Browning boys under the direction of art teachers Nik Vlahos and Kate Bancroft brightened the Kurani Gym and other spaces within the School during the Annual Art Show attended by proud parents and siblings, as well as the boys, faculty, staff and Trustees. From the Upper School self portraits to the ever-popular penguins made by the Kindergarten boys, the hard work and talent at every division level was evident. Read More.

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Third Graders Receive 17th Century Pilgrim Visitor

When the third graders came to social studies class one morning to learn about the Pilgrims, they didn’t expect to meet an actual member of the Mayflower ship that famously transported the first English Puritans to the New World in 1620! 

Susanna White, played by an actress from Plimoth Plantation, the living history museum of 17th century colonial and native New England, in Plymouth, Mass., paid a trip to Laura Alterman and Susan Kehoe’s third grade classes to enhance their curriculum and reinforce what the boys had already learned about the first English Puritans. Click here to watch a video and learn more about the historian's visit.

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Grytte Newspaper Hosts Conference Thriller

The Grytte newspaper staff organized their second annual journalism conference to allow more than 70 student journalists from Brearley, Browning, Columbia Prep, Dalton, Marymount, Nightingale, Riverdale, Regis, Spence and Trinity high school journalists network with each other and discuss common issues that they face as student-news organizations.

The conference also featured a student moderated panel of professional journalists from Fortune Magazine, New York Times and Financial Times, who discussed the importance of reputable and established agencies in a world where journalism is becoming increasingly decentralized through social media. Click here to learn more about the conference.

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Winter Sports 2018 Wrap-Up

The 2017-18 winter season at Browning was filled with highlights and rebuilding. The varsity basketball team started the season off with high hopes, and that excitement grew after they won both the LREI Preseason Tournament and their annual game at Barclays. The JV Panthers had an impressive 14-8 record, advancing to the playoffs but coming up short against Loyola. The fifth and sixth grade teams were a combined 10-10; both teams improved throughout the season, making the outlook bright for the future. The varsity squash team had another successful season with a 14-8 record, as more and more boys are interested in the sport. Lastly, our fencers represented Browning with grace and grit, as they were an integral part of the Chapin Interschool team. Click here to read individual reports for each winter team and view photos.

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Heads of Schools Speak Out Against Gun Violence

Head of School John Botti joined more than 100 fellow Heads of School in the New York City metropolitan area and across New York State in signing to the U.S. president and legislative leaders in support of gun reform legislation to make schools safer. The letter was published as a full-page ad in The New York Times on Sunday, February 25, 2018. Click here to read the full text of the letter.

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Mythological Adventures at the Met

Chair of the Classics Department John Young elaborates on a recent trip taken to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Form III Latin students: Owing to the ease with which the stories and their heroes can be allegorized to demonstrate spiritual, moral and political truths, classical mythology has inspired artists of all times and places and continues to do so today, as Form III Latin students discovered at the Met. They have been reading mythological adventures in Latin and visited the museum to see for themselves different artistic expressions of their reading material. Click here to watch a video and learn more details.

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New Middle School Head Announcement

The Search Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Danielle Passno as Browning’s new Head of Middle School. Ms. Passno, director of outreach and public purpose at The Spence School, will begin her term on July 1, 2018.

The Committee is impressed by Ms. Passno’s many years of teaching at the middle school level, as well as her administrative experience and collaboration with the three division directors at Spence in building a vision for purposeful and ongoing service learning among all grade levels. She also founded and co-directed the Teaching Institute at Spence and serves on the faculty of Teachers College’s Klingenstein Summer Institute. Her 10-year career at Spence and her additional independent school credentials – including positions at Boston University Academy and The Webb School (Tenn.) – have prepared Ms. Passno for her new role at The Browning School. Click here to read more details from our Head of School.

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Fifth Player In School History Nets 1,000th Career Point

Panther Pride alert: During the February 1 varsity basketball game against The Loyola School, Alex Liptak ’20 netted his 1,000th career point in the second half in front of the first and second grade Panther Games Day crowd. He is the fifth player in Browning’s history to reach this impressive milestone. Click here to watch a video and read more details.

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